Media Coverage
Newspapers, Magazines, radio interviews and TV
The journey TopOrange made with NGO St. GOED and NIHB over the past 6 years has been a captivating whirlwind of published news articles, radio interviews, and even a debut on TV. Below some examples;
Coverage about the Dutch Nationality Law
Dual nationality
Omroep Max
‘Meeste Nederlanders in het buitenland vóór behoud dubbele nationaliteit’
Regain Dutch Nationality
Giving up Dutch Citizenship
QR-code bezoek Nederland
Nationality bill
Oud-Nederlanders in het buitenland krijgen zicht op teruggave van hun nationaliteit
Dubbele nationaliteit en paspoort verloren?
NIHB Newspaper articles
Two page article in Dutch newspaper following the NIHB Passport Campaign
Article in the Australian Dutch newspaper
Online publications
Dutch Associations abroad
Radio interviews
Online Publications
Radio interview
Worldwide Nationality Survey
The survey is still open to be filled in, however an intermittant report has been produced of the results.
There has been an online article in the NRC newspaper, following this report.
Listen below to the SBSDutch radiointerview with Stichting GOED about the nationality report.
Podcast over emigratie en terugkeer naar Nederland
VK Verkiezingen 2019
Historische verkiezingsuitslag
Max Vandaag
Meer dan de helft van de Nederlanders in het Verenigd Koninkrijk voelt zich niet meer welkom
Premier Johnson is slechtste scenario voor expats in VK